Peace Living thru COVID-19 Day 5 ā€“ PRAYERS FOR GUAM

I love Guam and i love every second i lived there. Guam will forever be home. When i read that such an island already has 32 cases on COVID-19, i get scared for my family, friends, and loved ones living on that beautiful island.

Lord, please watch over everyone i hold dearly. I pray lord that the loving spirit of the island continues to shine for everyone to see. If you are on Guam, please watch over the Manamko (Chamorro) and the Matanda (Tagalog) as they are the ones who need the most care and love right now. Be Blessed, Be a shining light to someone in this world today. PJSLB

Father George Maddock – a role model who will be missed

With all the talk about the current state of the Catholic church, we forget the many who do great work for the Lord. People like Father George. He was my theology teacher at Father Duenas Memorial School at Mangilao, Guam. He taught me one of the greatest lessons I learned. He taught me how to love Christ in the real world.

This was a man that was after the heart of Christ. Iā€™m not an emotional person by any means but this one got to me. Father George was a molder of men and we are all better sons, husbands, brothers, cousins, uncles, Etc. because of this man. He is the reason why I know the books of the Bible (Ror Cor Gal Eph Philly Col…) and even prepared me for my move to Tampa by sharing what the world outside of Guam was like. Rest easy Father George. I thank you for being an example to many of what love for Christ really looks like. Till next time in heaven. FORTES IS FIDE.

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