Gods Timing Is Always On Time.



The world tells me that it is impossible. The world tells me what’s in my heart is unrealistic. The world tells me I am setting myself up for failure. The world simply sees my situation thru the paradigm of earth.

I see it otherwise. I am a child of God. I serve a just God. I search for my God who works in the supernatural. When Victory and blessing is ours, it will be evident it is because the Lord entered on our behalf. All will see that it is only thru God that the far fetched has come true. This will be a testimony of faith to all who see my Victory.

What is a victory in your life that is obviously obtained because God stepped in?

Pray for all our brothers and sisters in Christ.

14-15 Hope Scholarship 1st Essay

With the constant floods that strains the city of Manila; what is your opinion of the reclamation projects along Roxas Blvd?  Does the benefits still outweigh the negatives? Have we now come to a point where the financial benefits are not worth the effects it is having on the community?  Do you consider the reclaiming of the land bad?

Essays have to be at least 300 words long.  English or Tagalog is acceptable.

Essays shall be on Microsoft Word or Mac Pages.  Please submit all essays to the Sardoma email address that you already have.

Pelagio Sardoma Hope Scholarship @ The University of the East

Thank you again for taking the time out of your busy academic careers to apply for the Hope Scholarship. If you have not done so already; go to www.sardoma.com and apply right away! Minimum requirements for the scholarship can be found there as well. For those of you who have already applied; please continue reading…

As part of the scholarship process, we ask that you answer ONE of the following essay questions below. There is no length requirement for this essay. Essays should be emailed to info@sardoma.com. Under subject line please write your name and the title of the essay you have chosen. Please write your essays directly on the email. No attachments. We will not open any attachments for security reasons. We will get back with you upon receiving the essay. Again, thank you and God Bless.

Essays to choose from (choose ONE only)

1. My future is important because…

2. The secret to balancing school life and social life is…

3. The greatest challenge i face is…

4. When all is said and done, the only thing that matters is…

Again, please email all essays to info@sardoma.com with the subject line being your name and the essay title you have chosen.

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