Nothing in our life is perfect; Our God is Perfect

I could really use some prayers tonight (today if its daylight where you are). I have something really big going on tomorrow and if God blesses me so, this is something that can be life changing. I have prayed for this for almost 10 years. It is so close and within my reach. I pray for blessings and victory. I claim this as mine for I know God has placed this in my heart. I ask for all my brothers and sisters to pray for more as well. God Bless you all. I love you!

Peace Living thru COVID-19 Part 2 – Inspirational

I know everyone is just hanging out at home and getting more and more depressed when they turn on the TV and see nothing but doom and gloom. Remember the famous phrase “This too shall pass…” The world and everyone who calls it home will see the end of this long tunnel. It may be long and may be painful, but if history shows us anything, its that the human race will find a way. When we do, it will be a big party. Be blessed, be safe.

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